Day 36: My mind (100 days gratitude challenge)

Day 36: My mind
100 days gratitude challenge

I'm going to turn 55 on December 17. My mind is biologically that old. Many people have stopped learning by this age and say I'm not that young anymore to pick up new learnings. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. I love learning. Anything I hear that is new to me or something I don't understand, I look it up. I ask for more information so I can understand it better. I love puzzles, word games, chess, cracking clues, etc. I give challenges to my mind so it's working and growing. There is no limit to learning. The human race is evolving so rapidly that if we don't keep up, we will become redundant. Individuals and entities that are nimble, open, and quick to adapt will survive. Others will enter the extinct list.

I'm grateful for my mind. It's giving me a rich life filled with valuable experiences. It's taking me on a journey that is filled with potential, possibilities, and magic. You take care of your mind. It will take care of you.

Each of us can have the life of our dreams. The hardware and the software are inside is. If we feed it right and take care of it right, it will give you the results you seek.

Here are a few simple tips to manage your mind.
Eat the right foods
Exercise. Lead an active life
Socialize. Friends and family are vital components of your mind
Give it challenges that can be won. Build small victories into larger ones
Reduce sugar, white foods, tobacco and alcohol or eliminate them altogether.
Avoid medication unnecessarily
Be happy. Emotions can be managed. Learn how.
Chess, puzzles, word games, and memory games are all welcome.

You can stay young sharp and alive till it's time to go. Don't give up too soon.

Read more.


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