Day #100: Our Creator (100 days gratitude challenge)

Day #100:  Our Creator
(100 days gratitude challenge)
Today is the last of the 100-day gratitude challenge and it is dedicated to my Creator, the creator of all that we see, hold, enjoy and experience. He is the reason that I am here, you are here and we are having this conversation (or monologue). He is the reason behind everything in my world and yours.
The minute I say that then a few bright minds ask, “Is he behind the murders, the crime, the poverty and the ills that ails our world?” Why would a God do that? 
Answer: The beauty of our creation is, he made us in his spitting image and gave us free will to do as we please. So we wield as much power as He has but since we are a prisoner of our collective consciousness we are unable to see our pure potential and live bounded by the mediocrity and weaknesses of our flesh.
I am grateful to our Creator for making us the way he did and giving us the power to become Him. I am discovering more and more in myself and more and more in other people in this world that are pushing the boundaries of our beliefs and our possibilities. The world is truly boundless now and anyone has the power to become anything if they are able to forge their beliefs and their collective consciousness to push beyond where any man has gone before.
You are seeing pieces of evidence of this daily in the way our world is changing and the way the human experience is evolving. In our lifetime we are seeing more changes happen to our world than it happened in the last 100,000 years. We are the luckiest human beings in our evolution because we are discovering how we have the power to make life or to take it, how we can extend it or curtail it, how we can change our environment or control it. We have all the powers at our disposal and discovering more and more daily of how science is able to replace cells, organs, bones and ultimately clone or create beings.
It's a brave new world out there and I’m excited to see what 2018 has in store for us.
Thank you, dear Lord, for everything in my life.
Happy 2018 my fellow cosmic travellers. Let’s have a rocking 2018!

This post ends my 100-day gratitude challenge for the year. Thank you for being part of my journey.


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