100 Days Gratitude Challenge – 2017: Waking up early

I love waking up early, before everyone else at home and before the thousands of others who reside with me in my residential township. Even the birds are not chirping yet and there is total stillness except for the drone of the AC compressors and the swish of the fan. My dog Alfie is not even stirring. He’s far away in doggie land dreaming up what only he is capable of dreaming up. He’s used to this intruder and has treated me as part of the background noise so he is not disturbed from his nocturnal adventures in Doggie Dreamland.
I shuffle about and reach the sofa and plonk myself there to explore my own dreamland in an half-awakened state. There is a pregnant pause to the morning as though the Creator is pondering about what should be manifested today. There is a potential energy that could be released and take me in a tsunami of energy to my day’s goals. The hour or so I get before the others awaken are the best part of the day for me. I wouldn’t ever exchange it for a hurried wake-up, grab something to eat and rush out to work type of morning that many others seem to prefer.

The commune with the Creator, the walk with Alfie, my morning pages, reading, writing, exercise or meditation are all essential components of the day. It gives me the juice for the day. It gives me direction and a purpose for the day.
A day with purpose becomes a powerfully productive day. And when this purpose is aligned with your higher purpose you are on song.
Find your inner purpose. Find your daily goals and see how it can align with your higher purpose. Then each day will become a tune that makes up the symphony of your life.
I'm grateful that I am able to wake up early and get the advantage of the first few hours to align my life to my higher purpose.


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