Day #34: Pacing partner (100 days of gratitude)

Day #34:     Pacing partner
(100 days of gratitude)
I’m grateful for my pacing partner who has been keeping me company for the last 33 days by participating in the 100-day Gratitude challenge. A 100-day writing challenge is difficult because you have to be able to write every day whatever your schedule or preoccupations. And to write on gratitude you need to dig deep to find what you are grateful for.
We find it very easy to crib or complain. But to be able to find something to praise or be grateful for is not an easy task, especially after running through many topics over 30 days, So when I’m down and unable to pull myself up to write in an upbeat manner on gratitude, I remember that there is someone out there who would be posting her Day 34 of gratitude and I should not let her down by quitting.
The same thing happens in running. When I’m running alone it’s very difficult to stay motivated and to keep to my timing or distance. But when we are in a group and we have a pacing partner then it becomes easy to just keep up with them and complete the distance at the targeted time. In a marathon race, we have pacers who manage a bus timing and ensures that all the runners stay on the bus. This makes it easier for you to finish the race in your scheduled time.
Similarly, in business, you could have a pacing partner who keeps you on your toes and ensures that you play your best game each time. It could be a friend’s company, a stranger’s company or a rival’s company. One of the best examples in business is Coke and Pepsi. Their rivalry has helped them to grow their markets and help each of them to build so much wealth for their shareholders. Every business needs a pacesetter to align themselves and keep them on their toes so they put up their best performance each time.
Whatever you do, a pacing partner can do wonders for you whether in sports, in cooking, in dressing, in business, in research, career, social standing, etc etc.
What do you want to excel in? What goals have you set and you are finding difficult to meet. Choose someone who is already doing it or is a little ahead of your game. Play catch up with them and you will put your best efforts towards success.

Thank you to my pacing partner who is doing her own 100-day gratitude challenge.


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