Day #64: Migratory Birds 100 Days Gratitude Challenge
Day #64: Migratory Birds
100 Days Gratitude Challenge
In the last few weeks, I can see a lot of migratory birds flying above and below my balcony. The largest flocks are that of the white egrets. They must have travelled thousands of kilometers to reach Chennai and still they effortlessly fly together and seem to be completely at ease here.
It’s beautiful to see these birds come in 3s, 7s, and larger flocks. They effortlessly break into smaller flocks or combine to form large flocks of 100s of birds. Have you ever wondered how they travel every year so many thousands of kilometers and find their nesting grounds, breed and go back to where they came from? What makes them so successful in their survival and evolution?
I wonder whether it is in their blind trust on their instincts, which is to say a blind trust in their creator. We, of course, are rational beings who need a clear rational answer before we commit ourselves to a decision. Wonder what the birds think of us.
Ever wondered how some of our most major decisions are completely irrational. For example, choosing your life partner, buying a car or home as against other choices, etc. At the time of taking a decision if we listen to our inner voice and not get distracted by rational noises in our head, we would be better aligned to the purpose of our lives and find the destiny we were born for.
Another lesson they teach me is that being together is far more fun and effective than going alone. They are able to travel further, safer and get their purpose fulfilled because of their togetherness and taking turns in leading and being led.
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