Day #94: Christmas (100 Day Gratitude Challenge)
Day #94: Christmas
(100 Day Gratitude Challenge)
(100 Day Gratitude Challenge)
You may be wondering why I’m writing about Christmas a full 5 days after it has passed. You will discover that in the next post of mine (Day #95).
This Christmas was a lovely one spent with family – from Christmas eve to Lunch the next day, we have had fun – Church, food, chatting and more. The lights, the decorations, music and general festivities evoke memories of younger days when Christmas was a really important event annually in our life. It draws memories of a time when relationships were built on face-to-face interactions, handshakes, hugs and cozy togetherness rather than emoticons and hurried messages passed through electronic devices.
I’m grateful for Christmas day. Though it’s symbolic of the birth of Christ, there are so many stories and legends around this day that it’s rich with stories and traditions that fire up the imaginations in our mind. It is also the season where one can give thanks, take stock and share with people what you have done through the year.
My sisters and their families were there. My brother in law who was ailing last year spent the whole day with us and looked in good cheer. It was good to see him on the mend.
Connect with your family and loved ones and make this season one of togetherness.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
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